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Default Fixtures

The following fixtures are included in the default setup. Any special interfaces they support is also noted; this information is relevant when replacing defaults fixtures, as discussed in the Examples section below.


The appbar provides a means to open and track panels, or run custom commands. See the Appbar docs for more information.


The basemap provides an interface to change the basemap layers of the map.


The crosshairs displays crosshairs at the centre of the map when keyboard navigation is active.


The details provides an interface to view information about a feature / voxel, and to see a collection of identify results. See the Details docs for more information.


The geosearch is a utility that allows one to search for geographic names and zoom to the results. See the Geosearch docs for more information.


The grid provides a tabular view of attributes for a feature class. See the Grid docs for more information.


The help provides a means to display user help for the application.


The hilight enables specific features on the map to become visually prominent.

Layer Reorder

The layer-reorder provides an interface to reorder the stack of layers on the map.


The legend provides an interactive listing of the layers and other data on the map. See the Legend docs for more information.


The mapnav provides controls to help navigate the map.


The northarrow provides an arrow pointing to or a symbol marking the geographic north pole.


The panguard can prevent the map from panning on a single touch-swipe, requiring a double-touch.


The overviewmap provides a smaller map displaying the current map extent within the context of a larger area.


The scrollguard can prevent the map from zooming when a user scroll-wheels on the map. Useful for maps embedded in pages that a user would scroll through.


The settings allow you to make live modifications to a layer on the map. See the Layer Settings docs for more information.


The wizard provides an interface to allow users to add layers to the map.

main - Released under the MIT License.