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Instance API

The Instance API provides an interface to manage all aspects of a RAMP instance. When calling the createInstance(...) function to place a RAMP instance on a page (see the instantiation documentation for more details on this), it will return an API for the new instance. Detailed below are the properties and methods it provides.


Other Attributes

  • $vApp - an object of type ComponentPublicInstance that represents the Vue app for the RAMP instance. See the Vue documentation for details. Note that use of the various APIs is encouraged over accessing the app's properties and methods directly.
  • $element - an object of type VueApp<Element> that represents the RAMP instance within the Vue app
  • $rootEl - an object of type Element that represents the root DOM element for the RAMP instance
  • $i18n - an object representing the Vue I18n Composer Instance for the instance's Vue app.
  • language - a string representing the current language for the instance.
  • screenSize - a string representing the screen size for the app. Returns the largest tailwind screen class on the element. Possible values are 'lg', 'md', 'sm' or 'xs'.
  • animate - a boolean representing whether the app has animations enabled.
  • exposeOid - a boolean representing whether the app includes Object ID fields of a feature alongside attribute data.
  • exposeMeasurements - a boolean representing whether the app includes Shape_Length and Shape_Area of a feature alongside attribute data.
  • isFullScreen - a boolean representing whether the app is currently fullscreen.
  • started - a boolean representing whether the app has been started.

Note that all the properties above are read only.


  • reload(configs?: RampConfigs, options?: RampOptions) - Reloads a RAMP4 instance with a new config and options, if provided. If not provided, the same config and default options are used.
  • component(id: string): Object - Retrieves a global Vue component by its id.
  • component(id: string, definition?: any) - Registers a global Vue component given an id and a constructor (which is represented by the definition parameter).
  • getConfig(): RampConfig - Gets a deep copy of the currently active config.
  • setLanguage(language: string) - Sets the language of the app to the specified string (e.g. 'en' or 'fr').
  • toggleFullscreen() - Toggles fullscreen for the app.
  • updateAlert(alert: string) - Updates the screen reader alert. Use this to inform screen reader users of visual changes in the app (pieces of ui appearing/leaving).
  • start() - Starts the app i.e. loads the map and layers. Used when startRequired is set to true in the instance options.
  • useStore(id: string) - Returns the store with the specified id, if it exists, else returns undefined. The following out-of-the-box store ID's are currently supported: appbar, areas-of-interest, config, details, export, extentguard, fixture, geosearch, grid, help, instance, layer, legend, map-caption, mapnav, maptip, metadata, northarrow, notification, overviewmap, panel, scrollgurard, and wizard. Note that for ids that correspond to fixture ids, the fixture must be added before the store can be retrieved.

main - Released under the MIT License.