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Demo Setup for Forked Repos

When you push changes to your forked repo, a demo preview is automatically generated. The demo preview will update each time you push changes. Note that demos are deleted daily whenever the source branch or tag is deleted from your forked repo.

Accessing Your Demo Previews:

  • Branch or Tag Preview: Visit to see a live preview of the branch or tag you've pushed.
  • List of All Demos: View all your demo previews by navigating to

Enabling Demos for Your Forked Repo:

To enable demo previews on your forked repository, update the following settings:

  1. GitHub Pages:

    • Go to Settings -> Pages -> Build and deployment source and select GitHub Actions.
  2. Deployment Branches and Tags:

    • Navigate to Settings -> Environments -> github-pages -> Deployment branches and tags and choose No restriction.
  3. Actions Permissions:

    • Under Settings -> Actions -> General -> Actions permissions, set it to Allow all actions and reusable workflows.
  4. Workflow Permissions:

    • Go to Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions, and select Read and write permissions.

Local development

Project Setup

Download Node v22.12.0.

npm ci

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Current Samples: https://localhost:5173/demos/enhanced-samples.html. Legacy Samples: https://localhost:5173/demos/index-samples.html.

Serve via http

npm run dev-http

Build for production

npm run build

The production files will be placed in the dist folder.

Preview production build (after running build)

npm run preview

Open http://localhost:5050 in your browser.

VSCode with the recommended extensions (VSCode should bug you to install them).


  1. Install Volar.
  2. Disable/remove Vetur.
  3. Type @builtin typescript in the search box on the VSCode extensions tab and disable "TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features". Volar has its own TS language server so we don't want to run two concurrently.

public vs demos folders

The public folder is a static only folder. It contains the help md files and end-user demo assets and the compiled ramp library source code. Files in this folder are not processed by vite and therefore cannot reference outside files. This is useful for testing if things are broken between the develop and production build.

To test the files in the public folder locally:

npm run build
npm run preview

Then open http://localhost:5050/index.html in your browser.

The demos folder is processed by vite and can therefore reference any source file in the repo. This is the starting point for local development. For example, the demos/starter-scripts/main.js file imports { createInstance, geo } from '@/main'; whereas public/starter-scripts/index.js doesn't since RAMP is globally defined by the index.html file when it loads <script src="./ramp.browser.iife.js"></script>.

Run npm run dev then open http://localhost:3000/demos/index.html in your browser.

During build, the public folder contents are placed into the dist folder.

Demo Builds

The demos of the most recent build are available at

Demo builds are automatically generated for pull requests if you are a member of the ramp4-pcar4 organization and have your visibility set to public.

main - Released under the MIT License.