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Focus List

The Focus List directive handles keyboard navigation for lists of items using the arrow keys. This helps reduce the number of tabs (or key presses in general) to get to where you need to go in the app.

Up and down arrow keys move the selection up and down the list respectively. (Left and right for horizontal lists)

Tab as normal, will move focus to the next "tabbable" element. However, focus-items are not tabbable, and sub-items are only tabbable if their parent focus-item is selected/focused.

So if there is not selected focus-item or the focus-item has no sub items, tab will move away from the list. If there is a tabbable sub-item, then tab will select that.

Enter will click the currently selected focus-item as it would with a normally focused button.

Escape will remove focus-item selection and move focus back to the main list.


To use this directive add v-focus-list to your "list" element and focus-item to each item within the list that you want selectable.

<div v-focus-list>
    <button focus-item></button>
    <button focus-item></button>
    <button focus-item></button>
    <button focus-item></button>

The directive by default, will allow navigation with the up and down arrows. To make your list horizontal, and navigable by left and right arrows, set v-focus-list="'horizontal'" note the " and ' quotes

<div v-focus-list="'horizontal'">


We supply a default styling for focused items using the class default-focus-style.

<div v-focus-list>
    <button focus-item class="default-focus-style"></button>
    <button focus-item class="default-focus-style"></button>
    <button focus-item class="default-focus-style"></button>
    <button focus-item class="default-focus-style"></button>

This will give the focus-item a blue outline when selected and active, and a grey outline when selected but the user is focused on another part of the app.


Here are some guidelines to make writing your own focus styling easier:

  • The selected focus-item has the focused class, selectable with .focused
  • Focus-lists are given the focus-list attribute (since directive attributes only stick around with binding), this is selectable with [focus-list]
  • The selected focus-item is active if the [focus-list] has :focus
  • There is no selected [focus-item] if the [focus-list] does not have [aria-activedescendant]

If your styles are not scoped you should use a class so that only certain focus-items get the styling.

An example in plain css:

[focus-item].focused.custom-focus-style {
    color: red;
[focus-list]:focus [focus-item].focused.custom-focus-style {
    color: blue;

The focus item will have text and such coloured red when focused but not active, and will be coloured blue when it is focused and active.

Other things of note

  • The focus list directive can handle lists within lists.
  • Clicks are handled as well and maintains consistency between the two control schemes.

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