RAMP Instantiation
Creating An Instance
A page script can create an instance of RAMP with the following call:
var rInstance = RAMP.createInstance(pageElement, config, options);
The return object is an InstanceAPI
for the new instance. More information on that API can be found here.
Multiple instances can be hosted on a page (each requiring their own page element).
The pageElement
is the HTML element or element id that the instance should be created in on the page. Currently, a page element should not be targeted by createInstance()
more than once (errors will likely occur). If an existing instance needs to be reset, please use the .reload()
method on the InstanceAPI
The config
is an object containing a configs
object which is keyed by language codes with configurations as values. The configurations must follow this schema. This object can optionally include a startingFixtures
list which is a set of fixtures that the RAMP instance will load. A simplified example of the config
object is shown below:
startingFixtures: ['appbar', 'legend'],
configs: {
en: {
map: {},
layers: [],
fixtures: {}
fr: {
map: {},
layers: [],
fixtures: {}
Instance Options
The following options are supported when creating an instance.
will instruct RAMP to use the default set of fixtures, providing an "out-of-the-box" experience and requiring minimal setup. The default value is true
, setting it to false
means the instantiator must manage their own fixture setup. See the defaults page and the fixtures page for additional details. If startingFixtures
is specified in the the config
object above and is non-empty, this option will be ignored and the specified fixtures will be loaded instead.
is related to loadDefaultFixtures
, and will apply the default event handlers to link all the default fixtures to each-other and the RAMP core. The default value is true
, setting it to false
means the instantiator must wire up their own preferred event handlers. See the defaults page and the events page for additional details.
will instruct RAMP to not initialize the map until the .start()
method on the instance is called. The default value is false
, and in this case the .start()
call is not required. Setting to true
allows the instance to exist and any pre-map processing or setup to occur before the map initializes.
The options
parameter can be omitted when creating a RAMP instance; the default values will provide the "out-of-the-box" functionality and will launch immediately.
Basic Sample
The HTML template below shows a very basic example of how to setup and use RAMP on a webpage.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Basic RAMP Sample</title>
<!-- Load RAMP stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./ramp.css" />
<body style="margin: 0">
<!-- The page element that the RAMP instance will be created in -->
<div id="ramp-instance" style="height: 100vh; max-height: -webkit-fill-available"></div>
<!-- Load the compiled RAMP script-->
<script src="./ramp.browser.iife.js"></script>
<!-- Create simple RAMP instance-->
const config = {
configs: {
en: {
map: {
extentSets: [
id: 'EXT_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857',
default: {
xmax: -5007771.626060756,
xmin: -16632697.354854,
ymax: 10015875.184845109,
ymin: 5022907.964742964,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 102100,
latestWkid: 3857
lodSets: [
id: 'LOD_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857',
lods: RAMP.geo.defaultLODs(
tileSchemas: [
id: 'EXT_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857#LOD_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857',
name: 'Web Mercator Maps',
extentSetId: 'EXT_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857',
lodSetId: 'LOD_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857',
thumbnailTileUrls: ['/tile/8/91/74', '/tile/8/91/75']
basemaps: [
id: 'baseEsriWorld',
layers: [
id: 'World_Imagery',
layerType: 'esri-tile',
url: 'https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer'
tileSchemaId: 'EXT_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857#LOD_ESRI_World_AuxMerc_3857'
initialBasemapId: 'baseEsriWorld'
const options = {
loadDefaultFixtures: true,
loadDefaultEvents: true,
startRequired: false
const rInstance = RAMP.createInstance(
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