Creates an instance of FixtureInstance.
$iThe instance of RampMap API scoped to a single Vue R4MP application.
idID of this fixture.
Indicates whether to keep the fixture when the language changes. Defaults to true. If only one config is provided for all languages, the fixture will be kept on language change, regardless of the value of the flag.
The instance of Vue R4MP application controlled by this InstanceAPI.
This is just a shorthand for this.$iApi.$vApp
Returns the fixture config section (JSON) taken from the global config.
initialized[Optional] Called after the core map logic has executed. If the fixture is added after the map initialization, this is called immediately.
At this point, any custom content (panels, on-map components, etc.) can be added to R4MP. Custom content can also be added throughout the life of the [module].
Helper with programatically creating a component in Vue 3 (replaces the deprecated Vue.extend)
updateAdds missing functions and properties to the object implementing FixtureBase interface. This is only needed for external fixtures as they can't inherit from FixtureInstance.
TODO: If you know a better way to deep-mixin props/getters/functions from a class into another class instance, please tell me. I honestly don't know 🤷♂️.
A base class for Fixture subclasses. It provides some utility functions to Fixtures and also gives access to