The result of identifying against a logical layer ( a feature class or WMS )

interface IdentifyResult {
    errored: boolean;
    items: IdentifyItem[];
    layerId: string;
    loaded: boolean;
    loading: Promise<void>;
    requestTime: number;
    uid: string;


errored: boolean

Indicates if an error occurred while attempting to get this result

items: IdentifyItem[]

List of individual results (populated once loaded)

layerId: string

Layer Id of the logical layer the result came from

loaded: boolean

Indicates if the list of results have been identified. This means items is populated. Each item will need to have details loaded as needed.

loading: Promise<void>

A promise that resolves once this result is loaded

requestTime: number

Timestamp of the request

uid: string

UID of the logical layer the result came from