Creates an instance of APIScope.
The instance of Vue R4MP application controlled by this InstanceAPI.
This is just a shorthand for this.$iApi.$vApp
Will load a WFS 3 feature set and return as GeoJSON object. Data will be downloaded in batches (based on limit parameter) to avoid massive requests that may timeout.
the current url to the wfs service. Should be a /collections/id/items/ endpoint with optional params after the question operator
totalCount: number = -1the total number of features available on that service. If not provided, the service will be interrogated for the count.
offset: number = 0the feature index to start the querying from. default 0
limit: number = 1000the limit of how many results we want returned per server request. default 1000
wfsData: WFSData = ...the resulting GeoJSON being populated as we receive layer information. Undefined for initial request.
xyInAttribs: boolean = falsetrue if point co-ords should be copied to attribute values
a promise resolving with the layer GeoJSON
Fetch layer data from a WMS endpoint. This method will execute a WMS GetCapabilities request against the specified URL, it requests WMS 1.3 and it is capable of parsing 1.3 or 1.1.1 responses. It returns a promise which will resolve with basic layer metadata and querying information.
metadata response format: { queryTypes: [mimeType(str)], layers: [ {name(str), desc(str), queryable(bool), layers:[recursive] } ] }
a URL pointing to a WMS server (it must not include a query string)
a promise resolving with a metadata object (as specified above)
A base class for anything requiring access to the InstanceApi and instance of Vue app controlled by it.