the control we want to determine the availability of
an object containing information regarding enabled/disabled controls for the bound layer
whether the control is available
Convert an image to a canvas element
image url to convert (result from the esri print task)
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement[optional = undefined] canvas to draw the image upon; if not supplied, a new canvas will be made
[optional = true] when set, tries to fetch an image with crossOrigin = anonymous
conversion promise resolving into a canvas of the image
Loads an image (as crossing) and converts it to dataURL. If a supplied imageUri is already a dataURL, just return it. If an image fails to load with the crossing attribute, return the original imageUri
url of the image to load and convert
[optional = 'image/png'] format of the image representation
promise resolving with the dataURL of the image
Splits an indexed map server url into an object with .rootUrl and .index properties.
an indexed map server url
the url split into the server root and the index.
Determines whether the provided control is enabled for the bound layer, based on the config provided