Creates an instance of APIScope.
$iThe instance of RampMap API scoped to a single Vue R4MP application.
The instance of Vue R4MP application controlled by this InstanceAPI.
This is just a shorthand for this.$iApi.$vApp
Returns an array of open PanelInstance
Returns the currently pinned panel instance, if exists.
Returns an array of visible PanelInstance
This is not every open panel, only the ones currently visible to the user.
Closes the panel specified.
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Expands/collapses the expand state of the panel. Toggles whether the panel expands if no expand value is given.
expand: booleanOptional. Whether the panel should expand, toggles the value if not set
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Finds and returns a panel with the id specified.
Provides a promise that resolves when the panel(s) have finished registration.
the panel ID(s) for which the promise is requested
Minimizes the panel specified, mechanically the same as closing however it does not emit the close event so that temporary appbar buttons stay.
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Moves the specifed visible panel to the left or right.
the direction of movement, either "left" or "right".
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Opens a registered panel in the panel stack.'panel-id')
-- opens the 'panel-id' panel on the first screen in the<PanelInstance>)
-- opens the provided PanelInstance
object on the first screen in the{ id: 'panel-id', screen: 'screen-id' })
-- opens the 'panel-id' panel on the 'screen-id'{ id: 'panel-id', screen: 'screen-id', props: {... } })
-- opens the 'panel-id' panel on the 'screen-id' screen passing supplied props
to ita panel id, a PanelInstance
object or an object of the form { id: <panel-id>, screen: <id>, props: <object> }
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Pin/unpin/toggle (if no value provided) pin status of the provided panel. When pinning, automatically unpins any previous pinned panel if exists.
pin: booleanthe panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Registers a provided panel object and returns the resulting PanelInstance
When the panel is registered, all its screens are added to the Vue as components right away.
a PanelConfig/id pair in the form of { id: string, config: PanelConfig }
options: PanelRegistrationOptionsRegisters a set of provided panel objects and returns the resulting PanelInstance
object set.
When the panel is registered, all its screens are added to the Vue as components right away.
a set of PanelConfig objects in the form of { [name: string]: PanelConfig }
where keys assumed to be ids
options: PanelRegistrationOptionsa set of options that will apply to all the panel in the set
Registers a new panel containing a screen of HTML content and returns the PanelInstance
a HTMLPanelInstance object corresponding to the new html panel
Removes a panel instance
Sets the styles of the specified panel by using a provided CSS styles object.
replace: boolean = falsemerge with existing styles if false
; replace if true
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Sets route to the specified screen id and pass props to the panel screen components.
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered and the specified screen exists, undefined otherwise.
Toggle panel.
value: string | PanelInstance | PanelInstancePathOptional
toggle: booleanOptional param. True forces a panel open, false forces the panel to close.
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Toggle panel's minimized state
value: string | PanelInstance | PanelInstancePathOptional
toggle: booleanOptional param. True forces a panel open, false forces the panel to minimize.
the panel instance if the panel is currently registered, undefined otherwise.
Updates the content of a specific HTML-based screen of a panel, using HTML content
The PanelInstance
object, or its respective id, that corresponds to
the panel whose content is to be updated.
keyed language object containing HTML content for each language, represented as an HTMLElement object or a string.
screenId: stringid of the screen to be updated. If not provided, it will update the first screen in the panel
A base class for anything requiring access to the InstanceApi and instance of Vue app controlled by it.